MONVID Streaming Platform


  • About MONVID
     MONVID is a decentralized P2P and proxy streaming platform that will take over the traditional streaming world.
What services are provided by Monvid?
We offer decentralized P2P and proxy streaming services for individuals and companies.

     Monvid allows users to overcome any restrictions that will prevent them from streaming video on regular focus platforms.
Due to its decentralized nature, users can create bridges between platforms and themselves by using their computers from anywhere. According to the user, if the user is a country and the creator is another country and the user wants to submit content creators. It is not possible to create multiple restrictions in a regular streaming app with Monvid, all of which can be easily forwarded and streamed directly.

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- Services provided by Monvid
monvid offers decentralized P2P and proxy streaming services for individuals and companies.

- Fees for monvider services
There are various pricing models available to publishers and visitors. This price will be set once we launch the app and platform completely. We will make sure, the price will be much cheaper than traditional streaming video out there at this time.

- How the monvid platform works
Monvid is based on Blockchain technology and is a decentralized application that relays to streaming nodes provided by the community. Everyone can join this community and share their resources with the platform.

- Differences between monvid and other streaming providers.
In one word, we say it is therefore Decentralization. There are so many advantages including High Availability, Encrypted Data, Difficult to be censored, and profit taking for the whole community, not just the community owner.

  • About Token
     There is a maximum number of tokens that can be created in Token-Sale Time, which is a 200M Token. Only 70% of this 200M Token will be sold and the rest for groups, exclusive tokens and reward programs.
for marketing Tov-Token-Sales.
All unsold badges will be credited and no new tokens will be generated after selling tokens.

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     With the creation of the MVID Token, we are taking steps to fulfill our mission, but also lead the International Film Business to continue to use and accept virtual money. Monvid users will be able to take advantage of paid discounts for content using the MVID token. Another prominent virtual currency alternative may also be used for payments on the Platform.

You can find out more about MONVID or participate in their sales crowd via the following links:

Eth addres: 0x8E773098B5989A643464F3113491bE409EF19195


     Electrominer adalah Platform Penambangan mandiri di mana pengguna menyewa kapasitas hashing untuk menambang berbagai koin / algoritma. Fasilitasnya pun akan didukung oleh stasiun tenaga suryanya sendiri.
 Electrominer sedang membangun stasiun energi surya sendiri untuk meminimalkan biaya listrik dan mengurangi dampak envirenmental negatif dari cryptomining. Unit pusat Data Seluler Electrominer ditempatkan di kontainer pengiriman, memungkinkan mobilitas tinggi untuk memudahkan transportasi.

     Electrominer merevolusionerkan industri pertambangan dengan menggunakan energi bersih untuk platform pertahanan kekuatan pertahanannya. dicapai sepenuhnya dengan pengembangan bidang panel surya state-of-the-art untuk sumber energi primer, untuk peralatan pertambangan, serta dari sumber energi hijau lokal yang tersedia salah satunya dari energi panas bumi dan angin. Anda sebagai pemegang token diberikan akses untuk membagi dalam kapasitas komputasi keseluruhan platform pertambangan berdasarkan jumlah token Electrominer (ELM) mereka bertahan bersama dengan keanggotaan mereka ke Cloud Mining Electrominer Web Platform. jumlah kapasitas komputasi yang tersedia per token akan tumbuh secara proporsional untuk menyesuaikan jumlah fasilitas hashing berkelanjutan yang berkembang. Anda sebagai Crypto Miner tidak akan terulang lagi untuk menjatuhkan tagihan listrik yang cukup mahal atau investasi dalam peralatan penambangan khusus dengan kekuatan hashing tidak akan pernah bertambah, hanya mau tidak mau harus menjadi usang. di antara tujuan utama Electrominer adalah untuk menciptakan komunitas online bagi para penambang di seluruh dunia dan untuk berbagi manfaat menjadi platform penambangan yang cukup.

Hasil gambar untuk problem electrominer

  • Tujuan / Misi ELECTROMINER
     tujuan penciptaan electrominer sendiri adalah untuk mengatasi tantangan penambangan berbasis cryptocurrency. Kenaikan popularitas dan kesuksesan cryptocurrency tercapai karena minat dan semangat penggemar crypto seperti Anda, pengguna Bitcoin yang paling awal. Saat itu, hampir setiap orang bisa menambang crypto karena penambangan menguntungkan menggunakan tidak lebih dari rata-rata laptop. Bandingkan dengan cryptomining hari ini, yang sekarang memiliki seluruh industri yang dibangun di sekitarnya. Penggemar pertambangan saat ini harus berinvestasi dalam perangkat keras pertambangan khusus yang mahal untuk menghasilkan keuntungan, atau mengambil risiko dengan berinvestasi ke kontrak penambangan cloud jangka panjang berdasarkan hashrates statis.

- Biaya listrik tiggi hingga mencapai 45% dari mining rewards
     Rata-rata, penambang cryptocurrenncy dapat membayar hingga 45% dari imbalan penambangan mereka untuk tagihan listrik, yang memiliki dampak signifikan pada margin keuntungan mereka. Penggunaan listrik yang berlebihan dan ketersediaan ruang yang terbatas membuat proses penambangan menjadi sulit dan kurang menguntungkan.

Level tinggi EMISI CO2

     Hari ini, setiap transaksi Bitcoin membutuhkan jumlah energi yang sama yang digunakan untuk menyalakan sembilan rumah di AS selama satu hari. Penggunaan energi total perangkat keras ini sangat besar - diperkirakan 31 terawatt-jam per tahun. Lebih dari 150 negara di dunia mengonsumsi lebih sedikit energi setiap tahunnya.

- Perangkat keras membangkitkan keberlanjutan & mendapatkan obsolete cepat
     Perangkat keras menjadi usang dengan cepat, memaksa penambang untuk berinvestasi ke peralatan yang ditingkatkan setiap 1-2 tahun. Biaya listrik nol dapat memperpanjang periode penambangan yang menguntungkan hingga 4 tahun. Ketika orang membeli peralatan pertambangan, mereka juga menghadapi beberapa tantangan seperti waktu tunda praorder, risiko tinggi tersandung di toko palsu, masalah logistik. Oleh karena itu, pemasangan peralatan memerlukan beberapa keterampilan teknis juga.

- Kontrak jangka panjang pengguna kunci untuk satu Coin / Algoritma
     Saat ini, sebagian besar perusahaan pertambangan Blockchain menawarkan kontrak jangka panjang yang mengunci pengguna ke satu koin / algoritma. Pembelian kontrak jangka panjang yang mahal adalah keputusan serius yang memerlukan riset crypto-market intensif dan evaluasi risiko yang terkait dengan pesanan pembelian. Oleh karena itu, menambang satu koin dalam jangka waktu lama bisa kurang bermanfaat daripada menyebar kapasitas antar berbagai algoritma.

- Biaya nol strategi
     Electominer bertujuan untuk mencapai kemandirian daya maksimum menggunakan semua teknologi dan strategi yang tersedia. Kami akan menggunakan energi matahari selama hari daya beli semalam dari grid diklasifikasikan oleh perusahaan utilitas sebagai energi alternatif untuk mencapai Strategi Daya Biaya Nol kami.

- Sumber energi yang ramah lingkungan
     Pusat data electrominer akan didukung oleh energi matahari yang membuat penambangan berkelanjutan, mandiri dan ramah lingkungan.

- Perawatan profesional perawatan 24/7
     Tim Electrominer memberikan dukungan penuh, pemeliharaan, dan peningkatan peralatan penambangan sehingga pengguna tidak perlu khawatir tentang aspek teknis penambangan.

- Tak terbatas, Dapat disesuaikan, Kontrak
     Dengan electrominer Anda dapat menambang koin / algoritma berbasis PoW yang Anda inginkan, di mana pun Anda mau dan selama yang Anda inginkan. Pengguna memiliki kesempatan untuk memesan bahkan 1 jam pesanan panjang.

  • Proses penambangan
     Proses penambangan juga disederhanakan dan dapat Anda lakukan dengan bantuan berikut ini adalah langkah-langkahnya:

1. Dengan membeli Token
      Electrominer memegang Token (ELM) adalah persyaratan untuk platform penambangan, Anda harus menjaga keseimbangan dalam dompet Token Electrominer Ethereumnya diverifikasi

2. Status Keanggotaan Pembelian
     Untuk memulai penempatan pesanan penambangan, Anda akan diminta untuk membeli langganan keanggotaan tahunan Electrominer sebesar 1% dari total ELM yang sudah Anda miliki dan semua anggotanya.

3. Isi Ulang Saldo Penambangan Anda
     Untuk menyewakan kapasitas hashing, Anda memerlukan beberapa crypto-funds pada saldo penambangannya.

4. Pilih Koin Anda
     Anda akan diberikan berbagai koin yang sudah disediakan untuk penambangan. Demi kenyamanan Anda, tim akan menyiapkan data yang berguna untuk setiap koin yang Anda dapat menambang, termasuk informasi umum tentang berbagai koin (spesifikasi teknis, tautan situs web / pengumuman / penjelajah) dan menghitung perkiraan pendapatan berdasarkan jam, hari, dan minggu.

     Electrominer Tokens (ELM) memiliki persediaan tetap dan mewakili bagian dari kapasitas penambangan total yang tersedia untuk disewa di platform Electrominer yang akan digunakan untuk menambang Bitcoin dan koin berbasis PoW lainnya. Kapasitas penambangan total Electrominer akan tumbuh secara proporsional dengan perluasan fasilitas penambangan kami. Dengan kata lain, Token Electrominer memungkinkan Anda mengakses Platform Cloud Mining Electrominer untuk menambang berbagai koin. ELM tidak akan pernah menjadi usang, ketinggalan jaman, atau rusak. ELM dapat digunakan untuk menambang koin dan berbagi dalam kapasitas penambangan Electrominer yang terus meningkat, dan dapat dijual kapan saja.

     Spesifikasi teknis: token ERC20
     Total Token Supply: 100 000 000 ELM
     Token yang tersedia untuk dijual: 70 000 000 ELM
     Hard Cap: $ 50.000.000
     Soft Cap: $ 5.000.000
     Harga per Token: $ 0,7142

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  • Spesifikasi Token
     Jumlah total token: 100.000.000
     Harga Token: 1 ELM = $ 0,7142
     Bounty Pool: 500.000 Token
     Durasi Promosi Bounty: 12 minggu (20 Juli 2018 - 12 Oktober 2018)
     Program bounty di sini:

     PRE-SALE: 15 Agustus 2018/4 MINGGU
Selama Pra-ICO, diskon 30% akan diterapkan. Periode pra-ICO adalah dari 15 Agustus 2018 dan berlangsung selama 4 minggu

Selama ICO pada 15 September 2018 dan berlangsung selama 4 minggu, ada bonus untuk setiap tahap:
MINGGU 1: 15% Bonus
MINGGU 2: Bonus 10%
MINGGU 3: 5% Bonus
MINGGU 4: Bonus 0%

     Untuk pengguna pertama yang ditemukan, perhatikan Electrominer, aplikasi yang sangat berharga, ide mutlak dan diperlukan, grup khusus, permintaan masalah, semua kelas mutlak pada semua pengaturan tidak valid. Bergabunglah dengan Electrominer atau invurs ke dalam ketergantungan Anda. Tetapi proyek tersebut tidak diimplementasikan dan umpan untuk rumah pertama!

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi situs web resmi di sini:

Situs web Electrominer:
bounty thread:

Eth addres: 0x8E773098B5989A643464F3113491bE409EF19195

BeANKH - Makes Immortality a Digital Reality

  • About BeANKH
     BeANKH brings together artificial intelligence, great data technology, and blockchain to add immortality to digital immortality, enabling users to preserve and share their important features and personalities long after their physical deaths.
     After several years of research and development, BeankH's team defines an approach to turning personality into an algorithm, which is then suitable for a digital copy of the personality.
     It is said that as soon as one goes, the qualities and characteristics are passed on to the heirs. The idea of ​​technology is that decentralized storage and encryption will ensure the security of personal data, which makes the digital identity not only accessible, but also protected from unauthorized access.
     To ensure that the digital version of the identity matches reality, BeANKH uses polygraph-jet technology based on artificial intelligence algorithms to determine the accuracy of general information. BeANKH will build the most reliable representation of user personality, thus considering how self-esteem differs from the perceptions of others and avoids those errors in the network.
     Before allowing anyone to create a digital person, Beankl-l will provide face identification and block fraudulent attempts. Before creating a digital identity, each user will undergo a thorough authentication using block system technology.

  • The operating principle of BeANKH

     This unusual technological idea is that now the person will remain even after his death in the form of a digital copy. This means that as soon as technology makes another leap, it is possible to recreate the deceased with its digital copy. Sounds tempting, does not it?
     In addition, advanced encryption, as well as a fully decentralized data warehouse will ensure the highest level of security of any personal information. That's why you do not have to worry about the safety of digital copies of a person's identity. In addition, to use a copy without the consent of the owner is also impossible, because it will have protection from unauthorized access.

  • Fiction or Reality

     To ensure that a digital copy of the person is fully consistent with reality, special technology is used that is based on artificial intelligence. Thanks to the use of this technology, it is possible to obtain the most reliable information about this person or the person. What is especially important, information about a person will only include real quality without considering the opinions of others. This is very important, because quite often the opinions of others are wrong and it is not possible to obtain objective information about this or that person.
     Before allowing anyone to recreate the digital personality of a deceased person, the project-specific software will identify the person who wants to access it. If you have the right to re-create your digital personality, then everything will be fine. Otherwise, attempts to re-create the digital identity will be blocked as fraud

  • Benefits of BeANKH Solution

- Digital You And Digital Testament Functionalities
- Using Blockchain For Long-Term Preservation Of Data And For Security
- Works At Lifetime And Beyond

  • Benefits of Token Beankh
- Number of Permanent Tokens
- Increasing Demand On Growing Awareness
- Token Holders Will Be Able To Use BeANKH Earlier Than All Others

  • Token & Budget Allocation
A total of 650,000,000 tokens will be printed and allocated as follows:
*writing in Indonesian visual images

Price per token is 0.12 USD
Based on this, the prices in the ETH and BTC will be calculated at the time of the contribution
The minimum contribution during public pre-sale is 5,000 USD and during public sale 50 USD
Contributions can be made in ETH and BTC
Unsold tokens will be burned
Softcap is at 1.800.000 USD and Hardcap at 41.160.000 USD

     1. Minus tokens are sold privately pre-sale
     2. if the token goes from the previous stage, plus the token from the previous stage but with a bonus of 25%

*writing in Indonesian visual images


  • TEAM

You can find out more about the platform or participate in their sales crowd through the following links:

Eth addres: 0x8E773098B5989A643464F3113491bE409EF19195

SOLAREX - Powering Africa Project.

  • About SOLAREX

What is SOLAREX?

     SOLAREX is a futuristic, technology-enabled and secured technology of the future global solar business with a special focus in Africa, Asia, and South America. Blockchain technology is tailored to the much-needed security around transactions and solar power measurements in decentralized mode. At the same time, funding is planned through the launch of the Solarex utility token to generate financing for Solar PV leasing. In this way, people can have access to the clean and affordable power of most opex models and pay only the units they consume. Our integrated solution will start a new era where everyone can access energy in a safe way.

     Around one and a half billion people worldwide do not have access to electricity and over 3billion rely on primary biomass for cooking. This number excludes another billion that have no choice but to depend on fossil fuel electric generators for day to day electricity. Africa countries ranked in the top 10 of lowest access to electricity and over 90 percent of people in Africa Countries users biomass for cooking or Electricity generators that burn fossil fuel. Indoor air pollution from carbon monoxide in stoves is a leading cause of adults and children mortality in developing countries, and this value is ahead of malaria and tuberculosis combined. In Nigeria, foraging energy supply has lead over 60million Nigerians to own fossil fuel generators spending more than N3.5billion annually on the generators. Millions of others residents at a remote location far from the reach of the grid.


     Solarex energy solution aims to become the largest, most efficient and sustainable solar energy provider in Africa, offering energy at a cheap and affordable price for all, and setting a new standard for energy consumption and relentlessly focusing on customer satisfaction at all times. The Powering Africa Project is a disruptive, decentralized and democratised solar energy project with the purpose to build a solar energy ecosystem that is clean and affordable for everyone.

  • Vision SOLAREX

     Our ultimate vision at Solarex, is to become the largest, most efficient and sustainable energy provider, offering energy at a cheap/affordable price for all, and setting a new standard for energy consumption and relentlessly focusing on customer satisfaction.

      Our target is to make Solarex available across the African market with excellent service delivery, the company’s vision would be:
● To position Solarex as one of the top five Solar power providers in Africa
● To stay ahead in the market competition via continuous innovation and providing efficient service with value to each customer – URBAN + RURAL

     Vision of the team Solarex is to empower millions of lives across Africa and put them at par with developed nation in terms of access to energy. This is enabled by the latest technology solution from blockchain via decentralized transaction management capability in a secured and hassle-free manner.


     Solarex builds a robust system based on Blockchain Technology.
The Solarex ecosystem is an innovative, disruptive and democratised system that will surely improve the living conditions of African people and billions of lives around the world. Solarex is a new generation of hybrid solar power providers powered by the latest Blockchain technology and transaction systems that use crypto currency.

     We are committed to using this irritating, unique digital energy solution to improve the lives of Africans who have largely lost access to constant power for decades.

     This business model is designed to establish off-grid solar ponds in urban, semi-urban and rural areas and in designated cluster zones to improve energy scenarios within selected zones. Solarex comes with the option of accessing the Complete Solar Package solution that can be made possible through direct sales, while another option available to consumers is the Solar Package rental that comes with tailored financial support.

     The backbone for managing and controlling supply and distribution will be based on Smart contracts, smart measurements and Solarex Applications backed by Blockchain technology. For power purchase transactions and payment of fees, Solarex utility tokens will be issued to create a complete solar ecosystem around Africa.

  • Business objectives Of SOLAREX:

Making solution for vast majority of the masses in self-sustainablen manner
● Attracting millions of users with greater ease in financing and reach
● Earning trust of customers by open, yet secured decentralised transaction
● Protecting users’ interest with utmost convenience and security
● Developing business model via various channels
● Creating a global brand for future big business

  • SOLAREX Utility Token (SRX)

     A Token backed up by solar energy, It is full of energy and cannot go wrong. The token will guarantee the fund needed to execute the Power Africa project. A project that in long-term solve the major problem of in the lives of Africans and the rest of the world. This is your chance to purchase Solarex utility token (SRX) Grab yours now, as it will be running low very fast!

  • Token Distribution Structure DISTRIBUTION STRUCTURE

     SRX Utility tokens will be the sole driver of all transaction in the Solarex Ecosystem. Thus, Solarex Ecosystem will in time become a household name. Our business strategies will ultimately position Solarex Utility Token (SRX) to becoming a sustainable cryptocurrency that will only grow in value. Plans are at advanced stage to launch Solarex Tokens (SRX) on 3 different exchanges. The Tokens will be made available for trading on these exchanges as with other crypto currencies.

  • Roadmap

Q1 2017
     Concept Formulated. Market Feasibility Assessment .
Q2 2017
     Research and Evaluation. Data Analysis.
Q3 2017
     Business Model Initiated. Team Building Initiated.
Q4 2017
     Website Development. Technical Feasibility Assesment. Marketing and HR.
Q1 2018
     Solarex ICO Platform Launched. Marketing Campaign.
Q2-Q3 2017
     Solarex Pre -ICO. Solarex ICO Public Events. Team Inauguration Meeting.
Q3 2018
     Solarex Farmland Acquisition Initiated. Design And Manufacture of Products Commenced. Solarex Application Development. Solarex Blockchain Development. Listing Of SRX Token In Exchange. Wallet Development.
Q4 2018
     First Batch of Solar Farm Equipment Arrives Nigeria. The launch of Solarex Lease PV. The launch of Solarex Outright Sale PV. Solar farm Installation.
Q1 2019
     Solar Farm Testing. Smart Meter Testing. Blockchain Integration With Solar Farm Testing. Mobile App Testing.
Q2 2019
     Solar Farm Launched. Full Solarex Ecosystem on Pilot Testing in Nigeria. Scaling of Solarex Operations. Operation Licenses in Place. Expand Product Marketing Team.
Q3 2019
     2nd Solar Farms Launched With full Operational Ecosystem.
Q4 2019
     More Solar Farms Launched With full Operational Ecosystems in Nigeria.
2020 – 2025 Q1 – Q4

     Rapid Deployment/Expansion Across Africa, as Decided in the Operational Growth Management Plan

  • Team

For more information click the link below: 

Eth addres: 0x8E773098B5989A643464F3113491bE409EF19195

WPP ENERGY - Global Solutions in the Green Energy Sector

"A Decentralized Renewable Energy Trading Platform, and more, from visionary private companies with more than $ 5 billion in government energy contracts"

  • About WPP ENERGY

     WPP ENERGY is a global and decentralized platform, which is used to manage cumulative points and loyalty programs. After analyzing a large number of loyalty programs for various points, the developer did not find a good application. This leads to direct damage to the user, as well as the fact that the loyalty program is not implemented successfully and the responsibility to the company increases.
     see how the project is valuable for such a system and how this project differs from the project block platform, similar to score integration. All WPP users can exchange points or miles they receive from affiliate programs, to WPP tokens or vice versa, exchange their tokens for points in the affiliate program. Users can use WPP to buy products in an affiliate program. Affiliate programs will get more opportunities provided by marketing, promotion, and shopping.

     WPP ENERGY provides real waste for energy technologies that go beyond traditional incinerators and beyond standard gasification processes. We promote advanced technology that enables 100% conversion of waste to energy and products in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

     Our proven Waste to Energy Technology has 99.99% Efficiency Destruction, converting 1000 tons of daily capacity to pre-duplicate City Solid Wastes or other toxic materials such as PCBs, Oil slush, used tires, etc. It becomes 60 Megawatts per hour of electrical power, plus 40 MW of steam power. Our waste-to-energy facility is modular and can be built to accommodate the required needs (ie 5,000+ tonnes daily capacity from MSW, up to 400 Megawatts per hour) Maximum power output We provide a complete turnkey project starting with a design phase for commissioning, up to 100% financing.


     Investors in WPP Token will be stakeholders in all existing and future initiatives of WPP Energy. WPP initiatives can be divided into 4 main categories:

     WPP renewable energy supply contracts with various governments around the world, worth more than $ 5B USD.

     WPP leads efforts to resolve a massive energy crisis by using existing WPP proven technology to establish WPP as the world's preferred power supply for cryptocurrency miners, providing a range of clean and cheap power solutions to small, medium sized and large mining operations. Projected power demand from cryptocurrency mining will trigger exponential demand for affordable WPP clean energy solutions, reducing mining costs to a fraction of what they currently are and with zero carbon footprint.

     The WPP Decentralized Green Power Blockchain Platform (WPP Token) was established to capture data on electricity production from WPP Energy's global output and to invite all other renewable energy producers worldwide to participate in a platform that is ready to provide power at wholesale prices to those private agencies and consumers seeking clean electricity production throughout the world at a fraction of the price of traditional resources. The platform will transform the power generation industry for the benefit of both consumers and suppliers, as many suppliers have unsold surplus energy capacity that they are willing to sell at a low price and the WPP Platform will capture this supply through data transmission to the platform. Data delivered to the platform will include the type of energy generated, the amount of energy available, energy costs and location.

     Future initiatives of the future include the creation of an entire green city to accommodate 200,000 people, built in just two years, and a vertical, high-level 20+ agricultural greenhouse tower that can feed 200,000 people a month. Future projects also include highly developed technology solutions in the transportation sector.

  • Our ITO Supply

     We invite you to join us in this historic offering and to participate in the huge $ 750 billion green energy market, leading the world in its most important and necessary commodity and energy.
WPP Token was originally based on the ERC20 protocol.

  • Token Sales

     WPP ENERGY markers are developed as a sign that is compatible with ERC20 for Ethereum Platform and uses blocking technology. Target audience of WPP are airlines, travel agents, market leaders, and online stores around the world. With such advantages, WPP based on cutting edge technology that is sophisticated, safe and efficient, will have a billion dollars in the global market.

     Pre Terms of Sale ITO: fixed rate unchanged for 62 days, starting July 1 and ending 62 days later on September 1st.

     The Pre-ITO sales goal is to begin the development of two digital blockchain platforms and to launch the Green Energy Rebate program. WPP Energy believes that our cryptocurrency initiative should be self-funded.

     The following ITO sales crowd will increase capital on a larger scale to accelerate the deployment of our 3 physical HHO energy solutions around the world and to invest in our government project projects and also build our two digital platforms.

  • What problems did the project finish?

     below are identified problems. Increase in corporate liabilities: unused points are recorded as liabilities. Due to the fact that client points are becoming increasingly unattractive, the company's obligations are more significant and have a negative impact on their financial estimates. Low performance loyalty program: this is because of the low use of scores, companies cannot achieve the performance of the loyalty program, as expected. low productivity, how to put social costs for clients and businesses.

     complexity of control points: an average of 29 programs are recorded, different, making it difficult to control points and point to the fact that glasses expire. Benefits will be provided by this platform. Both consumers and companies can use platform seats. Users can redeem their points for SALE OF TOKENS or use their points at the store point. Users get access to promotions through ad channels for access to advertisements from interested companies. WPP SALE TOKENS or use your points at the store point. Users get access to promotions through ad channels for access to advertisements from interested companies.

     The WPP Wallet allows you to manage and integrate multiple partners simultaneously. Companies have access to more customers, which allows them to quickly sell their products according to the index. The WPP exchange model helps companies to effectively reduce their obligations. Partners can increase loyalty to potential customers by using tape and task storage.

For more information and join WPP ENERGY's social media today please follow these resource:


Eth addres: 0x8E773098B5989A643464F3113491bE409EF19195

Yaahub Exchange - Good Coins & High Quality In The Coin Market

Yaahub Exchange

  • About Yaahub

     Yaahub Exchange is a Peer to Peer Bitcoin marketplace connecting buyers with sellers. It is a platform that is global and decentralized, it is used to manage cumulative points and loyalty programs. Having analyzed a large number of loyalty programs of different points, the Developer did not find a good application. This leads to direct damage to the user, as well as to the fact that loyalty programs are not successfully implemented and the responsibility to the company increases
     All Yaahub Exchange users can exchange points or miles they receive from affiliate programs, to Yaahub Exchange tokens or otherwise, redeem your tokens for points in affiliate programs. Users can use Yaahub Exchange to purchase products in affiliate programs. Affiliate programs will benefit from more opportunities provided by marketing, shopping, and promotions. Just select the payment method that you like and type how much bitcoin you need

     Yaahub Exchange It is a platform that uses blocks to solve problems related to direct damage to the user, and a loyalty program that is implemented by poor and increased liabilities to the company as a result of using too many loyalty programs. Yaahub Exchange Integrates points in Yaahub Exchange Tokens Sale and provides the loyalty program to the user. For the most inexpensive with maximum security. In addition to reliability and low transaction costs, Yaahub Exchange uses block circuit technology to eliminate the intermediary, providing users and partners with a result that makes more sense.

     Points and miles are mainly used in our economic activities. According to the survey, the two-thirds of the average American companies use a point system from 29 different companies. For example, when flying on an airplane for business trips, use a credit card or in online stores points collected at any time. Usually these items receive a certain percentage of the purchase amount when we buy goods and services. For a customer, scoring reduce the price of goods, allowing them to use points in the future as cash to buy goods and services. For business, they can expect increased customer loyalty and can encourage customers to focus on their services.

     users or Yaahub Exchange users can easily integrate and manage tokens and Yaahub Exchange points. they are for every company worldwide in the Yaahub Exchange wallet. Users can also easily exchange their glasses for the Yaahub Exchange token or the Yaahub Exchange Token for partner points. In addition, the Yaahub Exchange wallet includes advertising channels that provide advertising partners or coupons to users or partners in real time. This allows the Yaahub Exchange partnership to attract more customers and promote more loyalty programs. In addition, users of the Yaahub Exchange store can purchase goods or services from a partnership.

     The market for these items costs more than billions and grows by 6% per year. However, this means that there are many different types of accounts, as there are many businesses around the world. In desperation, the client is difficult to organize and use his glasses. Even for businesses, points that are not used cause the loyalty program to be lower than expected, and have a negative impact on their debt. Yaahub Exchange is a key-based decentralization decision that solves the problem of the current loyalty program with the use of glasses. The Yaahub Exchange Key Features include the Yaahub Exchange wallet, exchanges, Yaahub Exchange promotions to feed and save. Yaahub Exchange

     the advantage of the Yaahub Exchange Project is a decentralized block decision, which solves the problem of loyalty programs using points. Key Features Yaahub Exchange purse Yaahub Exchange purse, exchange, Yaahub Exchange feed promotion, and store. Yaahub Exchange

  • Sales Tokens yahuub exchange
     Token Yaahub Exchange is designed as a token, compatible with ERC20 on the Ethereum platform and takes advantage of the locking technology. Target audience Yaahub Exchange - an airline, a travel agency, a market leader, as well as online stores around the world. With such advantages, Yaahub Exchange based on an advanced, safe and effective locking technology, will own a billion dollars in the global market.

  • What are the Problems to be completed by the project?

     This is an identified problem. Increase in corporate liabilities: unused points are recorded as liabilities. Due to the fact that customer points become less and less desirable, the company's liabilities become more significant and have a negative impact on their financial assessment. Low performance loyalty program: this is because of the low use of scores, companies cannot achieve the performance of the loyalty program, as expected. low productivity, how to put social costs for clients and businesses.
     Complexity of control points: an average of 29 programs are registered, different, making it difficult to control points and point to the fact that glasses expire. Benefits will be provided by this platform. Users and companies can use platform seats. Users can exchange their points for the Yaahub Exchange Tokens Sale or use your points at the Shop Point. Users get access to promotions through ad channels for access to advertisements from interested companies.

     Yaahub Exchange allows you to manage and integrate multiple partners at once. Companies have access to more customers, which allows them to quickly sell their products on pointers. Exchange of the Yaahub Exchange model helps companies effectively reduce their obligations. Partners can encourage greater loyalty to prospective customers by using feeds and storing tasks.

For more information about Yaahub Exchange please visit the link below:

OOP Open WIFI - Akses Tercepat Hari ini

Apa itu OPP Open WiFi???
     OPP Open WiFi adalah layanan berbasis komunitas dengan tujuan utama menciptakan global, bebas untuk mengakses jaringan hotspot WiFi terbuka dan memberikan penghargaan kepada setiap kontributor karena menjadi bagian dari tujuan kami.
     Ada hampir 2,5 miliar pengguna smartphone secara global, 80% di antaranya aktif di media sosial. Akses WiFi telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari kita. Namun luar biasa 76% dari kita sering menemukan diri kita dalam posisi di mana akses tidak tersedia, atau di mana akses diblokir oleh permintaan untuk pembayaran.
     Dari mereka yang berjumlah 2,5 miliar orang, kami bertujuan untuk merekrut 25 juta orang seperti Anda selama 4 tahun ke depan untuk bergabung dengan komunitas "Hotspot Hosts" kami. Bersama-sama kita dapat membangun akses gratis, membuka dan mengamankan hotspot WiFi terdesentralisasi global yang akan memiliki efek positif pada kehidupan sehari-hari ratusan juta orang.
     Host Hotspot kami adalah orang-orang seperti Anda yang membayar data seluler, membayar akses WiFi di rumah mereka, atau di tempat kerja mereka. Penelitian kami menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 80% dari kami tidak menggunakan semua data yang kami bayar. Kami akan memasukkan uang itu kembali ke saku Anda. Kami akan membayar Anda setiap hari untuk mengambil bagian dari data yang tersedia untuk jaringan global kami.

Bagaimana itu bekerja???
     Untuk menjadi Hotspot Host Anda harus mendaftar dan kemudian mengunduh aplikasi seluler kami atau meminta router rumah / bisnis dari situs web kami. 100.000 router pertama akan diberikan sepenuhnya gratis.
     Anda memutuskan berapa banyak data yang ingin Anda sumbangkan. Aplikasi kami akan mengaktifkan fungsi hotspot seluler pada perangkat pintar Anda dan "OPP OPEN WIFI" akan dilihat oleh Pengguna tamu yang ingin mengakses web. Sistem ini benar-benar aman untuk Hotspot Host dan pengguna tamu. Sistem ini dirancang untuk bekerja dengan WiFi di rumah dan bisnis juga.

Bagaimana saya menghasilkan uang???
     Anda hanya perlu membuat Hotspot Anda aktif selama 1 jam per hari untuk memenuhi syarat untuk pembayaran. Kami akan membayar Anda untuk setiap perangkat yang Anda gunakan untuk berkontribusi ke Jaringan Global. Kami bertujuan untuk membayar Anda cukup untuk menutupi semua atau sebagian dari biaya pemasok internet dan pemasok telepon seluler Anda.
     Jika Anda ingin membuat sedikit lebih banyak, tidak masalah. Kami membayar Anda untuk membaca pesan dari sponsor terpilih. Anda memberi tahu kami berapa banyak pesan yang Anda senang terima setiap hari dan kami membayar Anda untuk setiap yang Anda baca. Jika Anda bergabung dengan program referensi kami, kami juga akan membayar Anda untuk berbagi pesan media kami di antara pengikut dan teman Anda.
     Semakin banyak yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk membantu kami menyebarkan berita, maka semakin banyak yang dapat kami lakukan untuk membantu Anda juga.

Bagaimana saya dibayar?

     Kami membayar anggota komunitas kami setiap hari menggunakan Token OPP kami.
1 Token OPP = $ 0,40. Pembayaran dan penagihan dikelola menggunakan blockchain self-fulfilling smartchain.
     Setiap hari saat Anda membagikan data, melihat pesan bersponsor atau membagikan pos, dll., Anda akan melihat Token OPP ditambahkan ke akun Anda. Silakan lihat Buku Putih kami untuk penjelasan rinci.

The Dashbord

     Setelah Anda mendaftar dengan kami, Anda akan diberikan kode akses ke Dasbor OPP. Dasbor adalah tempat Anda mengatur bagaimana Anda ingin bekerja dengan kami, berapa banyak data yang ingin Anda bagikan, berapa banyak perangkat, berapa banyak pesan yang Anda senang baca, dll.

     Semua Token OPP Anda akan disimpan dengan aman di dompet elektronik Anda di dasbor setiap hari. Anda dapat menyaksikan pertumbuhan saldo Anda. Anda akan melihat pembayaran masuk dan rincian bagaimana Anda mendapatkannya.

     Dari Dasbor, Anda juga dapat memutuskan bagaimana Anda ingin membelanjakannya, melalui Retail Mall Online kami, mengkreditkan rekening bank Anda, mengirim dana ke Kartu Kredit OPP Anda (tidak memerlukan rekening bank) atau menukarkannya di pasar Crypto. Dari Dasbor kami, Anda akan dapat menggunakan Token OPP persis seperti Anda menggunakan hari ke hari uang tunai.

Peta Jalan

Juni 2018
Penjualan token terbuka VIP dan Pendiri
Membangun komunitas Telegram
Perbanyak komunitas sosial yang ada
Libatkan PR
Umumkan tim Penasihat
Luncurkan GitHub
Publikasikan alamat kontrak cerdas
Bagikan detail prototipe

September 2018
Kesimpulan penjualan publik
Distribusi Token kepada investor
Luncurkan Aplikasi Ponsel Cerdas
Pengiriman router
Tes beta affliliate tautan ritel

Oktober 2018
Luncurkan dasbor
Perluas tim untuk menangani peningkatan lalu lintas dari Hotspot Host
Menyelesaikan transaksi dengan mitra afiliasi
Buat kesepakatan dengan pengiklan untuk notifikasi push
Mulai program rujukan Hotspot
Mulai aktivitas pemasaran untuk merekrut Hotspot Host

Kuartal 1 2019
Luncurkan kartu kredit OPP
250,00 Host Hotspot
Fungsi pertukaran cepat ditambahkan ke Dasbor
Perluasan tim lebih lanjut untuk mendukung komunitas Host Hotspot
Pemasaran Lanjutan untuk menjangkau lebih banyak Host Hotspot

Mei 2018
Luncurkan Situs Web Pendaftaran ITO / ICO
Luncurkan pemasaran

Agustus 2018
Penjualan Publik
Daftar dengan pertukaran
Aplikasi Android tes beta
Mengembangkan fungsi Dashboard
Bangun kontak dengan pengiklan

November - Desember 2018
100.000 Hotspot Host
Luncurkan pengalaman ritel daring
Sepenuhnya fungsionalitas dasbor
Perluas pemasaran digital


Mengapa Kami Memiliki Penjualan Token???

     ICO / ITO adalah cara baru untuk bisnis untuk mengumpulkan dana. Tujuan kami adalah mengumpulkan $ 40 Juta dari penjualan token dan ITO (penawaran token awal). Dana ini akan digunakan untuk membeli perangkat keras, mengembangkan teknologi, mendukung para pemangku kepentingan kami, mendanai operasi kami sehari-hari, pemasaran dan kepegawaian sehingga kami dapat membangun jaringan 1 juta Hotspot WiFi yang Di-host dalam 12 bulan setelah siaran langsung dan 25 juta dalam 4 tahun. Silakan lihat Buku Putih untuk penjelasan rinci.

     Pada penjualan token, akan ada 142 juta token bagi Pendiri dan Investor yang tersedia dengan diskon mulai dari 50% hingga 10% tergantung pada seberapa awal pembelian token dilakukan.

     Penjualan token OPP akan menyertakan struktur bonus yang memberi insentif kepada peserta awal, dimulai dengan investor pra-penjualan. Jadwal bonusnya adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Tahap 1 (1 Juli - 22 Juli): 40%
  2. Tahap 2 (23 Juli - 29 Juli): 35%
  3. Tahap 3 (30 Juli - 5 Agustus): 30%
  4. Tahap 4 (6 Agustus - 12 Agustus): 25%
  5. Tahap 5 (13 Agustus - 19 Agustus): 20%
  6. Tahap 6 (20 Agustus - 26 Agustus): 15%
  7. Tahap 7 (27 Agustus - 2 September): 10%
  8. Tahap 8 (3 September - 9 September): 5%
  9. Tahap 9 (10 September - 14 September): 2,5%


     Kami adalah tim profesional yang berpengalaman dengan rencana ambisius untuk proyek kami.
Keahlian inti kami adalah membangun teknologi dan sistem pemasaran untuk melayani klien kami. Sementara kami bekerja dengan banyak nama besar, pekerjaan kami yang paling penting selama bertahun-tahun telah dilakukan untuk mendukung usaha kecil. Usaha kecil adalah jantung ekonomi dan komunitas apa pun. Di sinilah sebagian besar tenaga kerja dipekerjakan dan membayar cek dihasilkan.
Kami telah membangun tim teknisi dan komunikator yang berbakat yang memahami cara menyelesaikan sesuatu!



Untuk info lebih lanjut tentang OPP Open Wifi, kunjungi :

Eth addres :  0x8E773098B5989A643464F3113491bE409EF19195